The phone is not being charged properly or discharged too soon?
Now that is an essential tool in our life, the battery has become a real nightmare.
Charging the battery more than once a day, but a need has become an everyday gesture and mechanic as we ourselves do not understand.
Por some scholars to the University of Michigan in the US have managed to achieve a new material that represents the turning point in this field of technology for mobile devices.
Uses 100 times less energy, compared with the required material and inductor multiferror enables processors to phones operate by using 100 times less energy compared to what is currently required.
Nature says, "it's a thin layer of atoms to build a polarizing film, which is able to pass from the negative pole to the positive one with a single pulse energy." T
he scientists have applied this principle in the transmission of binary code that they operate our computers, which means sending and receiving data using a fraction of the actual need electricity.
Thanks to this discovery, "we will have to charge the phone only four times a year," says the Independent. Within 2030, electronics can consume from 40 to 50% of world energy.
Creating processor with low power consumption can have a significant impact to reverse this trend.
Now that is an essential tool in our life, the battery has become a real nightmare.
Charging the battery more than once a day, but a need has become an everyday gesture and mechanic as we ourselves do not understand.
Uses 100 times less energy, compared with the required material and inductor multiferror enables processors to phones operate by using 100 times less energy compared to what is currently required.
Nature says, "it's a thin layer of atoms to build a polarizing film, which is able to pass from the negative pole to the positive one with a single pulse energy." T
he scientists have applied this principle in the transmission of binary code that they operate our computers, which means sending and receiving data using a fraction of the actual need electricity.
Thanks to this discovery, "we will have to charge the phone only four times a year," says the Independent. Within 2030, electronics can consume from 40 to 50% of world energy.
Creating processor with low power consumption can have a significant impact to reverse this trend.
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